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6 February 2010

Hey Guides :)

Yesterday we welcomed the 44th Batch of Guides into DHS Coy! The Year 2s have been anticipating this day when we would become seniors. They jihe-ed beside us at first, and we noticed their shyness and uneasiness right from the start, but as the activities for the day was being carried out, they gradually opened up and talked more. Some of the Year 1s did not like guides, but that is okay, as they do not know much about Guides yet and that is why we are here to teach them. We, as their Year 2s, will have to show a good example and teach our juniors how to be a girl guide, not just any guide, but a Dunman High Guide.

We started off with a 25 minute long patrol corner, where we introduced ourselves to the Year 1s and vice versa. We also introduced our patrol name(s), CL, ACL, QM, AQM etc. of our coy well as some li jies. After that, we had games. For my patrol, we began with the 3 legged race, followed by Blow Wind Blow, Dog and Bone, Charades. Overall, it was great fun! We had a mini-BBQ to end of the day. The Year 1s were quite amazed by how a fire could be started like that, and in the school too. Hope that they had a great time during their first jihe! ;)

After the activities, Mrs Poh announced that DHS Coy 1 and 2 had both achieved the Gold Puan Noor Aishah Award for last year. Good job to everyone who made this happen ;)

Last year, we were just like them. Coming into Guides, not knowing what to except but gradually learnt more about guiding life and loving it as well. This year, it would be our turn to guide the Year 1s, under the guidance of the Year 3s and 4s, and build a good foundation for them so that they would be able to pass down this to future batches. We would have to guide them, like the way the Year 3s used to guide us, show them that guides is not just a CCA, but a family.

Last but not least, here's a warm welcome from everyone to our Year 1s!

Jiayou guides! :D

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